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How 2 Colorado Oral Surgeons Prevent the Misuse of Unused Prescription Medications

Posted by The Dentists Supply Company on 12/14/21 9:27 AM
The Dentists Supply Company

Dr. Kevin Patterson and Dr. Juliana DiPasquale of Denver Metro OMS recognize the need to curb the misuse of prescription drugs and are meeting the challenge. Dr. Patterson mentions, "The importance of safe prescribing and educating patients on the proper use of pain medication cannot be overstated. As an oral-maxillofacial surgeon who provides treatments that occasionally requires the prescribing of narcotics, I’m acutely aware of the potential risk of opioid abuse."

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse

  • Approximately 21 to 29 percent of patients who are prescribed opioids for chronic pain misuse them.
  • The misuse of opioids (prescription pain relievers, heroin, and fentanyl) is a national crisis that continues to affect public health.

Dr. Patterson mentions that even though he limits the number of opioids he prescribes, it's not unusual for patients to have unused pills. Unfortunately, others may misuse unused prescription pain relievers.

The Solution: At-Home Drug Deactivation and Disposal

Dr. Patterson and Dr. DiPasquale's goal is to help patients realize the danger of allowing unused medications to remain in the home. And, to offer patients a safe, proven way to dispose of unused or expired prescription medications.

Dr. Patterson comments, "Most of our patients are seen for a consultation and scheduled at a later date for surgery. During the consultation, I explain the risk of leftover opioids remaining in the home and the reasons why I provide the Deterra System (drug disposal pouch) for free to reduce the risk of opioid abuse." Dr. Patterson and Dr. DiPasquale explain the Deterra System's simple, 3-step process to patients so they can deactivate and dispose of their unused prescription medications at home.

Deterra Drug Deactivation pouches use activated carbon adsorption to deactivate medications, making them safe for at-home disposal.

The Result: Happy Patients

Dr. Patterson mentions, “Since we began offering the Deterra System, our patients – especially parents – are grateful to have an immediate, at-home disposal option to minimize the risk of unused narcotics in the home."

Parents who didn't receive a Deterra drug deactivation pouch at their child's post-op appointment were happy to drop by the clinic to pick up the product.

Patients have thanked the Denver Metro OMS doctors and staff for providing the Deterra System. They have also expressed appreciation for the safety and peace of mind the Deterra System offers.

What's Next

In addition, Dr. Patterson has joined forces with The Dentist's Supply Company and the CDA to ensure the Deterra System is available to all Colorado dental professionals. The Deterra System is now available for purchase at at Dr. Patterson's request.

Dr. Patterson says, "I have authored articles for the Metropolitan Denver Dental Society and given multiple presentations about the Deterra System – how we use it, and the benefits of this unique drug deactivation system. I can say that our patients and the parents of our younger patients are very appreciative of our efforts to address their post-procedure pain while also helping to prevent the unintended use of unused narcotics."

Learn More

The Deterra Drug Deactivation System Stand-Up Pouch and the Deterra Drug Deactivation System Multi-Purpose Container are available at


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Rubi Rodriguez
General Manager

Media queries:
Lauren DelGuidice
Senior Corporate Media Relations Specialist